Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Birkdale Village Live Music

Does anyone know when the music starts in Birkdale Village? Last year I thought it started the last weekend of April and went through the last weekend of October. What's strange is that we haven't seen any advertisements or fliers for the music yet this year. I searched the web and all I come across are other blogs talking about enjoying the music at birkdale. The The Adventurers Club was interesting because it claims that Birkdale is a great place to have a Rock concert. I'm not sure if I quite agree but maybe it depends on the definition of Rock. Any way about it though the live music is great and is very popular. We really enjoyed sitting out listening to the music, drinking wine or beer, and people watching. Its amazing how lively the village is on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights.

The best show we experienced last year was actually right after a rain storm. The rain storm was about one hour before the music started and everyone fled. So we sat outside at Brixx and enjoyed their Saturday night beer specials ($2.50 a beer) while listening to the music without having to feel rushed because they didn't need to turn over the table.

Well, as soon as I find out the schedule I will post again and link to it.

Pool Opens May 12th!

Great news. The pool is opening on May 12th. We got our 'Birkdale Villager' newspaper today and the main feature seemed to be the pool opening. We're excited even though we didn't make it to the pool even once last summer. I guess we spent all our free time on the lake. This year will be different though. We intend to enjoy the pool and the sun.
Its great that the pool is opening early. Last year we wondered why the pool only opened from Memorial Day to Labor Day. It made no sense given the nice weather that Charlotte has at least from April through October. I guess that having the pool open only for summer vacation for schools makes some sense. But they could at least have the pool open say on just evenings and weekends. This year they seem to be doing that by having the pool opened only 3:30 to 7:30 on public school days. The article also says that we have to get a pool tag, which is required for entry. Last year's tags are still good to go.
Well, enough rambling. We're looking forward to the pool opening.