What a beautiful September we're having! I don't think it has rained for more than an hour the entire month. Who can argue with temperatures in the mid-70s? In case you are reading this and don't live in the Charlotte area, we are in the middle of the worst drought in about 50 years and possibly the worst drought in recorded history. The drought is seriously affecting the lawns and agriculture but otherwise it has also brought day after day or perfect weather.
I visited a friends house on Lake Norman yesterday and what was previously lake in front of his now grounded boat dock, is an island. Its amazing how high the island rises in front of his place! The best benefit of this new formed island is that the geese seemed to enjoy the island over my friends lake side grass.
I wonder if this drought is a product of global warming or if it is part of the natural cycle of weather on planet earth? What do you think, is this global warming or is this just the natural cycle?
I will say that at this point people might actually enjoy the rain if it comes?
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